Monday, April 6, 2015

Animal Future by Robert McGraw
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story starts with a bang, and ends with a shoot ’em up bang, bang! Then all is satisfyingly wrapped up in the epilogue. These authors, Robert and Darrin McGraw, are intelligent, extremely competent writer’s, who trust their readers to catch on. I LOVE IT!

One of the world literature's most famous opening sentences, “Call me Ishmael”, will be replaced by my now favorite opening sentence, “Wrapped only in a towel, Autumn Winn fired a pistol at her new underwear.” The first sentence grabbed me like a wrapsnake. The story is such a hilarious fictional farce, yet the characters, both Provies and Sapiens, are so well developed that I feel I know them. I want to know them! It didn’t matter that I had no idea what TefPlas glass, a wrapsnake, ViewGlazzes, Pawsalls, or Cerebo-Mitts are, because they all fit so well in ANIMAL FUTURE, and I nearly died of laughter at their revealing. Note - I want a COR wristband with its quantum computer capabilities.

The Kindle Location 10 (copyright page) states, “This book is fiction. All names, places, characters, corporations, government entities, and incidents are the products of the imaginations of the authors and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places, locales, or persons, whether living or dead, is purely coincidental.” Read the book then try to read this with a straight face.

The author’s bio’s are very impressive. Their book, ANIMAL FUTURE, is very impressive, and massively entertaining. Awesome, beyond awesome read! Big fan here (me).

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